In the past, I have made some pretty ridiculous and close to impossible resolutions for myself. This list includes: giving up sugar forever, doing my homework the second I get it, never spending money foolishly again, writing a friend everyday for a year, maintaining a perfectly clean house, and to pray, journal, read, meditate, or exercise everyday. The list goes on but I can say with confidence that I have broken each of these rules I established.
The problem of course lies in the fact I am choosing to make a major lifestyle change for the reason that the year is changing, rather than a desire within me to change. I was making a declaration to change my life out of the need to follow tradition, and that never gets you too far.
So this year, my goal of learning how to live a healthy life, in all areas of my life, has come out of a growing desire within me. No particular time of the year has spurred this on and therefore it feels organic and attainable. My resolution within myself feels stronger and therefore I have hope that this year will change something within my habits and choices.
... And if at the end of the year I end up with a cleaner closet and kinder heart, so be it.